How to compose

In this guide, I'll walk you through the workflow of composing with the app. This is just one approach, so don't worry if your workflow looks different...

▶️ Video tutorial

▶️ The interface

Let us have a look at the interface first. The app highlights the key, which consists of seven chords: three major, three minor, and one diminished chord.

These chords will sound great together. A good base for your song!

▶️ Find chords

It is one possible way to find chords by tapping different chords in the wheel until you find something you like. For example, you've found four chords you like, then assign them to a line of your song — for instance, the "Verse".

Note, this works the other way around too!

👉 Tap in the wheel and assign a chord to a bar


👉 Tap in a bar and assign a chord from the wheel

▶️ Step out of the key

It may sound pretty awesome to use chords that are not in the key! Of course, you can do that as well with the app. To do so, tap on the "Modal interchange" button. The app will immediately suggest a chord for your song.

Get a chord suggestionEdit a chord

▶️ Edit a chord and add optional tones (7th, 9th...)

Of course, you can edit particular chords and add optional tones, mute them or select a different bass note for them.

Edit a chord
Mute a chord
Create a slash chord

▶️ Chord statistics

You will have a little identifier which indicates whether the chord you are editing is within the key and if not, how many tones are out of the key!

👉 Read more about the indicator

▶️ Export and save your song

MIDIPDF Lead sheetSave songSong settings

▶️ Further editing

If you want to add another chord to a bar and adjust the length of a chord, you can do this in the "chord-length editor".

Add more chords to a bar

Last updated